People are not defined solely by what they do as a job. We were all created to excel in more than one area. We were all created to create. Our areas of giftedness should result in a collection of work, pieced together in a carefully crafted mosaic. Each work is equally important as the next. However, oftentimes people limit their pursuits to the ones that make the most financial sense, abandoning and neglecting other interests that bring joy (which also robs others from enjoying the beauty of our creativity). Simply said, we stop dreaming, playing, creating, and enjoying.
It's so easy to get comfortable in a job with a steady paycheck, climb the ladder, and then find ourselves feeling stuck. We ignore and suppress other desires within our hearts, often due to a deep-seated belief that any such creative endeavor is futile, won't amount to enough, and would only result in wasted time and effort. Or, maybe the belief that in order to pursue other interests, we must quit our money-making job and go all in on the next thing, which isn’t an option for most people. These mental obstacles can be extremely challenging to overcome, especially alone, and they can hinder a person from enjoying all the areas of work they were created to enjoy.
Sometimes, you need someone to tell you that creating something and trying something new is WORTH IT!
This is why the 402 Arts Collective is such an important group! Sometimes all you need is a reason to try something new. Sometimes, you need someone to tell you that creating something and trying something new is WORTH IT! Sometimes, you need encouragement from others who have been down the road, and can help you learn how to break down your life to reconstruct it with space for new priorities.
The Collective is full of people who are walking the same path, experiencing the same day-to-day challenges, and deeply committed to a belief that these pursuits matter. When you start something new, it often leads you into uncomfortable and awkward territory. That is why it is so important to have a group of like-minded encouragers who can help you embrace the challenges instead of running from them or giving up. The Collective embraces the mindset that creativity is a journey. Clarity will come as you take action and learn what works and what doesn't.
This community is meant to be a resource for inspiration and act as a sounding board as members try new things. In addition to connecting with truly incredible people, The Collective Vault is full of valuable content including powerful stories, research, strategies, life hacks, and much more to keep you moving forward on your journey!
If you feel yourself getting excited, don’t ignore it! That tiny spark might be a sign that there’s a part of you begging to fire up again. And if that’s true, we would love for you to join us in the pursuit of creativity and wholeness!
If you haven’t already, what are you waiting for? Join the network of artists on a journey to impact lives, together. Join the 402 Arts Collective. CLICK HERE
by: Leslie Palensky
Artist Membership Committee Member